Hi Peter,

Let me ask you: what do you hope to gain by getting an OSGeo mark? And, 
whatever that is, is that worth all this negotiation?

Personally, I use a product if it is good for me, not because it has a certain 
blessing on it. There are many non-OSGeo products I use, and there are many 
OSGeo products I don’t use. If Rasdaman suits my needs, I will use it whether 
or not it has been blessed by OSGeo.

Since it seems like what you want and what OSGeo is willing to give are at 
odds, I ask again: what do you hope to gain from OSGeo’s blessing?

> On May 5, 2016, at 6:24 AM, Peter Baumann <p.baum...@jacobs-university.de> 
> wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> I tried very much to make the situation transparent. Maybe the notion of 
> Principal Investigator helps here (cf Wikipedia - although biased towards 
> medical science):
> A principal investigator (PI) is the holder of an independent grant 
> administered by a university and the lead researcher for the grant project, 
> usually in the sciences, such as a laboratory study or a clinical trial. The 
> phrase is also often used as a synonym for "head of the laboratory" or 
> "research group leader." While the expression is common in the sciences, it 
> is used widely for the person or persons who make final decisions and 
> supervise funding and expenditures on a given research project.
> I am the PI of rasdaman, and that will not change, also not indirectly 
> through wordsmithing as proposed.
> OSGeo is entering new domains with rasdaman, which is: scientific research 
> projects. Like some other communities, these have existed long before OSGeo, 
> and have their own ethics, procedures, and rules. It is unlikely that science 
> will change and give up freedom of research based on its principles well 
> accepted by the whole community. If OSGeo intends to change these in general 
> then maybe starting with rasdaman as an isolated item in a vast universe is 
> not the optimal point.
> OSGeo may find out that its very special (although obviously not 
> unambiguously codified) views constrain it to particular ecosystems. But I am 
> not imposing nor judging. Just trying to explain.
> HTH,
> Peter
> …

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