Hi all,

I have a query. If a properitery GIS vendor starts marketing thier properitery 
products as Open platform and software then what rights do the organisations 
and customers have who are mislead buying the  properitery software thinking it 
is open have ?  The definision of Proprietary software [1] is very clearly 
defined, so  how can it be possible for any properitery GIS vendor to market 
their  software knowingly as open platform if it is properitery?

This also greatly affects the business and revenues of true open source 
software companies .  Who is responsible for any misleading marketing that 
results in losses to both customers who are mislead to buy the properitery 
software thinking it is open  and also to other companies who do true open 
source business who lose out on the business opportunities? Is it right 
business ethics to do this?

Best wishes,


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_software

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