
Many thanks for your inputs. There is an economic and social inequality with 
regard to access to, use of, or impact  of digital opportunities . Yes, we need 
to highlight the need for bridging the “digital divide”  and the importance of 
providing access to quality education opportunities for all forever. The 
combination of Internet ,digital technologies and smart phones have truly 
started to open doors for education opportunities to science and technology and 
learning about it to all  and has enabled mass innovation.  Access to quality 
education is everyone’s birthright and now we truly have opportunity to make 
this possible .  We need to ensure these doors for digital economy 
opportunities are always open and inclusive  to ensure that there are no 
artificial barriers created by vested interests (in terms of software lockins,  
costs, properitery licences) that prevent educators and academics from giving 
away software and learning resources as they wish for learning and innovation 
for their students.

We will add this to the pledge.

Best wishes,


From: Luí­s Moreira de Sousa <>
Sent: 21 June 2017 7:50 AM
To: Anand Suchith
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The Pledge – I support Open Principles for Science 
and Education for building a better world for everyone

Dear Suchith,

My only comment at this would be on the "digital divide". To what does it refer 
exactly? Is it obvious to everyone that may come read this pledge?


Luís Moreira de Sousa
Im Grund 6
CH-8600 Dübendorf

Phone: +41 (0)79 812 62 65

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