Dear colleagues,

It is over a decade now since we started working on the philosophy of Openness 
in Geospatial Science  and Education [1],[2],[3]. Please find below the  pledge 
for  supporting Open Principles for Science and Education for building a better 
world for everyone [4].

“I believe Science is a public good and quality education opportunities should 
be open and accessible for everyone.

I will work to eliminate the digital divide and contribute to building up Open 
Knowledge for the benefit of all humanity, with special effort to enlighten 
future generations.

I contribute my service for the betterment of all humanity using the guiding 
principles of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 
building a better world for everyone.

I will work to advance and increase Open Knowledge for the benefit of all 
humanity with special consideration of those less fortunate.

I will be a voice for Open Principles in Science and Education and promote this 
pledge through my networks.”

Thank you for your support.

Best wishes,


Dr. Suchith Anand

GeoForAll - Building and expanding Open Geospatial Science

Open Principles in Science and Education for bridging the digital divide


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