deep truths are paradox - 'Open' is one side of the future.. which future are 
you, the listener, participating in?
Many core values and environmental systems are under strain right now.. how to 
respond ?
For a formal document, I still refer to the UK Government's statement on Open 
Data from a few years ago.. 
since it was such a profound shift for them to make that change, I suspect they 
put extra effort into
the articulation of it..   
Open Data White Paper -- Unleashing the Potential   June 2012
Open Data Standard and Principles -- 2012
   The Rt Hon Francis Maude MP, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster 
In the US, the Office of the President of the US made some good statements on 
Open Data and Open Principles,
The Executive Order of the President is not the only document  (I know, Cat-Baz 
101 ** !)  but is worth attention. 
** Cat-Baz
more on request
Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
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