If you folks want to make information sheet on this it would be great to
have a take on what is at stake (and if appropriate what our stand is).

I do not know a lot about this area.
On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 12:44 PM Brian M Hamlin <mapl...@light42.com> wrote:

>   deep truths are paradox - 'Open' is one side of the future.. which
> future are you, the listener, participating in?
> Many core values and environmental systems are under strain right now..
> how to respond ?
> -
> For a formal document, I still refer to the UK Government's statement on
> Open Data from a few years ago..
> since it was such a profound shift for them to make that change, I suspect
> they put extra effort into
> the articulation of it..
> Open Data White Paper -- Unleashing the Potential   June 2012
> Open Data Standard and Principles -- 2012
>    The Rt Hon Francis Maude MP, Minister for the Cabinet Office and
> Paymaster General
> In the US, the Office of the President of the US made some good statements
> on Open Data and Open Principles,
> The Executive Order of the President is not the only document  (I know,
> Cat-Baz 101 ** !)  but is worth attention.
> --
> ** Cat-Baz
>   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cathedral_and_the_Bazaar
> more on request
>   --Brian
> --
> Brian M Hamlin
> OSGeo California Chapter
> blog.light42.com
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