On 2017-08-21 5:11 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
For your page http://osgeo.getinteractive.nl/service-providers/opengeolabs/ Is that a single consultant (you!) or a company?
(or perhaps it is just a company with one person in it)

Hi Jody,

Regarding separating the OSGeo community by size, I suggest that we avoid offending our community members, so let's stay positive and make the following change:

I recommend that we/OSGeo change the "Organization Type" section to contain the following 4 options:

 1. Private
 2. Academic/Research
 3. Public/Government
 4. Non-profit

The same 4 options should be applied to the options in the "Filter" search on the site for "Service Provider Type".


Jachym: you did a great job on the OpenGeoLabs page, and thanks for supporting OSGeo all of these years :)


Jeff McKenna
President Emeritus, OSGeo Foundation

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