Hello Gert-Jan,

thanks for your questions.

Am 2017-10-12 18:00, schrieb Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl:
Hi Board member candidates (and fellow voter members),
= One to Astrid:

Almost all of your objectives seem outreach-related (PR, OSGeo Live

What  are the advantages of doing so as a Board member, instead of (or
in addition to) begin a member of the recently revived Marketing

Yes - you are right. I do a lot of outreach-work.

I am fine with the things that I already do and could go on like this or could get more involved in other Committees. So I do not have to become a member of the board. Maybe that would be the same for all nominees somehow.

So I am also fine, not to be on the board.

On the other hand working on the board may be a good opportunity to get a different perspective to OSGeo and to work & discuss in a team on some goals and to support to get other people of OSGeo worldwide involved.

= And one to all of you:

Some of you talk about being an inclusive organization.

For the geographical and probably cultural aspect of inclusiveness, do
you think the Board should have it's roots in as much continents /
languages as possible, so preferably 1 Board member from every
continent (not counting for Antarctica, ha!)

There are different categories that you could use to classify the board members - by continent, by gender, by topic, by technology, by language, by ...

Sure it would be great to have a board with a great diversity. But maybe with only 9 members on the board it won't be so easy. So maybe the focus could be to have a board that works together well and makes productive descissions and integrates the other members / chapters / projects of OSGeo.


Astrid Emde
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
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