
I fully agree with you that a complete restart is the fairest way to go. However, people are getting really tired with this subject and some already unsubscribe from this mailing list. Also, not sure if this should be my call or the board should formally decide on this. Probably should be me, as four of the board are standing for reelection. I know that most of you are irritated by the amount of emails that circulate this days on the mailing list but I would like to hear more opinions on this subject before taking a decision.

CRO 2017

On 10/22/17 4:33 PM, Barry Rowlingson wrote:

    My proposal to the Board and the OSGeo charter members is to leave the
    list as it is and make sure that the people that did not vote yet are
    aware of Jeff's request to withdraw from the Board elections.

No, this is completely off. If a candidate withdraws during an election, you should declare the current ballot void and start a new one without the withdrawn candidate. Leaving the ballot running, but telling people who have not voted yet that one candidate has withdrawn is *unfair* to those who already voted.

I would hope that running a ballot is low-enough cost that this doesn't have a cost impact, unlike a paper election!

If Jeff had been elected to the board and then resigned the day after the election then I assume there's regulations for having new by-elections for vacant seats, but this situation is not the same.


    I can
    insert the information in the reminder mail that I'm planing to submit
    tonight/Monday morning.

    CRO 2017


    On 10/21/17 3:34 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
     > Dear CRO,
     > Please accept my withdrawal from the Board election.  I am sorry to
     > cause all of the problems so clearly explained by so many here
     > this election.
     > I wish to take the time now to thank all of the candidates for
     > volunteering their time for the OSGeo community.
     > Yours,
     > -Jeff McKenna
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