Dear Mark,

Thank you very much for your email.

I agree we should continue the discussion in the open. Now we have a
clear view of the current situation from the board (and people
following that list). A reason why I personally haven't moved this
quicker more open is because I don't want OSGeo to be responsible of
people coming out of the closet on the community and then travelling
to Tanzania and having problems because of that. The risk is very low,
as you have confirmed, but this is a very sensitive issue in many
countries. Everyone should be aware of this before starting to point
personal experiences, especially people coming from privileged
countries where being LGBT+ is not only legal, but socially accepted.

We have an OSGeo meeting in Bonn very soon and I think that is a
proper place to discuss this, as it will be face to face and some
people will be able to discuss this without having to write their
names anywhere. I agree there should be an LGBT+ group inside OSGeo,
and maybe we should provide the tools to allow members from sensitive
countries/personal situations to participate anonymously. (How? I
don't know yet.) And we should promote also some kind of diversity
advice group, where all kind of discriminations can be addressed.
Maybe merge this idea with the CoC team? Maybe a separated dedicated
team? I don't know.

Thanks for this and if you need some immediate action from the board,
just let us know.


On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 12:11 AM, Mark Iliffe <> wrote:
> Dear OSGeo Board,
> On the 20th of February I wrote in response to a concern raised on LGBT+
> concerns in Dar es Salaam. To this, set out the following four action
> points:
>> To help move forward on this, we will 1. Ensure that we provide guidance
>> to those in our community on this issue; 2. Seek dialog within our community
>> on this issue, I am personally contactable on this and fully welcome any and
>> all people who wish to discuss this on a face-to-face (over VC) or any other
>> medium that the community would feel better with; 3. Recommend that the
>> board puts in place guidance for future OSGEO conferences other this issues;
>> 4. Support the formation of an LGBT+ grouping within OSGEO to better support
>> appropriate guidance on this issue.
> To update on this:
> 1. We are collaborating with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team on this issue,
> to ensure that the response to our mutual communities are in lock-step on
> this issue. Guidance will be published for consultation for the conference
> shortly;
> 2. I have reached out to members of the LGBT+ community that I know
> personally on a bilateral basis. I would welcome further dialogue with the
> OSGeo LGBT+ community on a bilateral, private basis for people to voice
> their concerns in confidence;
> Points 3 and 4 are of specific interest, in the view of the LOC of FOSS4G
> 2018, as we can set policy direction for our conference, but have no mandate
> nor mechanism to set policy across OSGeo. To this end, I would formally
> request, in my role of Chair of FOSS4G for the OSGeo Board to provide
> direction to future FOSS4G conferences and to further support and service
> this community within our wider community.
> Clearly, there is a desire for LGBT+ to be considered further in our
> community - as noted in the transcript of the previous board meeting [1],
> but I think this needs to be communicated to our wider community - I see the
> discussions on the OSGeo board mailing list, though this may not have the
> widest circulation. I am also available to have a video conference with the
> board, at their earliest possible convenience if such an invitation was
> extended.
> Finally, I really want to stress this for our conference in Dar es Salaam
> this year to our community: We want to have the most inclusive conference
> that we can possibly have. In the same way that previous FOSS4G events in
> Boston and North Carolina have demonstrated, our conferences have dealt with
> challenges within the wider legislative framework of their host country, we
> as a community are welcoming to any and all with open arms. We will publish
> guidance for those travelling, and if you still wish to participate but
> cannot come to Dar es Salaam, get in touch with us - we will help you get
> involved! Our FOSS4G will only be successful due to ALL the people in our
> OSGeo community; we are a big and dynamic family - we will reflect and live
> that this year in Dar es Salaam, and I hope in the many years to come.
> Best,
> Mark
> [1]
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: jorge.dejesus <>
> Date: 21 February 2018 at 08:26
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Conf] LGBT in Tanzania
> To:
> Hi to all
> I was following the LGBT  in Tanzania discussion, and I am happy to see the
> question added to the next RfP.
> The discussion on LGBT rights and safety requires a bit of common sense, I
> am LGBT it is one part of my live as being OsGEO member is another (one of
> many) part(s), normally these two don't intercept much, personally I think
> this is  why the LGBT community is present in OsGEO but very invisible.
> What?? No LGBT birds of the feather in FOSS4G ???
> Having a code of conduct that is non discriminatory, we must take  into
> consideration the rights of minorities and safety of ALL the participants of
> and a OsGEO conference, the LOC have to do their best for the safety.  LOC
> should also informed  participants on what  are the real  problems that
> participants may have to face, then is up to the participants to decide if
> they fell comfortable to to attend the conference.
> Again, nice to see this topic discussed and remember these comments are my 2
> cents
> Enjoy your day
> Jorge
> On 21-02-18 10:30, Till Adams wrote:
> Darrell, @ohers,
> thanks for the sum up, I agree in including such a question in the next
> RfP. In order to preserve your proposal, I've added your questionTill here:
> I will add this to the next RfP-text.
> Till
> Am 20.02.2018 um 18:32 schrieb Darrell Fuhriman:
> "FOSS4G attracts a global, diverse community. Are there any laws, or
> social norms, in your proposed location that would make members of our
> community feel unsafe or unwelcome? That could include, but is not
> limited to, anti-LGBTQ+ policies, policies that would prevent the free
> exercise of religion, restrictions on certain activities based on
> gender or other factor, etc?”
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