
Related to counting of OSGeo community . . .

I brought this idea up way back when, but it was thought that it was too much 
effort to realize at the time.  Should there be some thought put into setting 
up a real membership status for folks, in whatever form, where they recieve an 
(semi-official?) membership of some sort.  I card, designation, etc or ??   
This could be a basic requirement of keeping a local chapter item, too.  The 
local chapters could promote joining, etc.

Maybe some nominal cost charged back for membership, voted into different 
levels, Charter, regular, Board, etc . . . .   . . . .


On Sep 6, 2019, at 9:25 AM, Jody Garnett 
<<>> wrote:

Think Before You Click: This email originated outside our organization.

If you check out the yearly AGM slides you can see estimates from a range of 
sources (OSGeo userid, wiki logins, charter members, etc...).

There are a lot of great folks in the local chapters that are missed in this 
tally, I really hope the 2019 elections can nominate more of these individuals 
and honour their contributions.
Jody Garnett

On Fri, 6 Sep 2019 at 07:08, Jo Cook 
<<>> wrote:
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has recently attempted to estimate the size
(in people) of OSGeo?
I thought the easiest approach might be to see the number of people
subscribed to the discuss list. I'm aware it's not going to catch
everyone, but it seems reasonable as a measure of the community.


Furthermore, how many people attended FOSS4G in Bucharest this year?


Jo Cook
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