Just for comparison as I happen to maintain three meetups for groups in
Spain (kind of microchapters called Geoinquietos[1]), mailing list versus
meetup is as follows:

* Valencia: list 71; meetup: 729; telegram: 36
* Seville: list 80; meetup: 899; whatsapp: 16
* Madrid: list: 157; 887; telegram; 61

Still, for me the absolute numbers are not that meaningful. Over the years
we have seen a clear migration of the conversation from mailing lists to
othe channels: stackoverflow, social media networks, meet up networks, chat
rooms and such.

Telegram, for example, is actually where these days most of the Spanish
language OSGeo, Geoinquietos, and OSM conversations happen.


[1] http://geoinquietos.org/

On Sat, 7 Sep 2019 at 13:37, Gert-Jan van der Weijden (GISNederland) <
gert-...@gisnederland.nl> wrote:

> Our Dutch OSGeo-Meetup group (https://www.meetup.com/OSGeoNL/)
> <https://www.meetup.com/OSGeoNL/members/> unites almost 400 people,
> which is 3 about times as much as the "old-school" mailing list (
> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/OSGeo-Dutch-Discussions-f4574635.html)
> But then again, a far as I can notice only Ottawa (125), Belgium (49),
> Seattle (100) have OSGeo-Meetup groups, so perhaps the rest of the world
> mainly holds on to the old channels..
> Kind regards,
> gert-Jan
> Op 6-9-2019 om 23:22 schreef Luigi Pirelli:
> IMHO not at all... using mailing list is an "old way" to manage a
> community. Fortunally or Unfortunally, most of community is using chat
> channels related with phone numbers (and/or not). I can't figure out if 33k
> in a ML is ten times community in IRC types channels, but for sure is a
> bigger community.
> Luigi Pirelli
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> On Fri, 6 Sep 2019 at 17:33, Jo Cook <joc...@astuntechnology.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Thanks for the responses- I was looking for a very loose figure for
>> the community as a whole, so for my purposes the 33K unique
>> subscribers to the mailing lists works well. The graphs of charter
>> members per country from the OSGeo AGM slides are also really helpful.
>> (Thanks Jorge Sanz).
>> (FYI I'm not doing science with these figures, it's just some factoids
>> for the purposes of a talk I'll be giving soon)
>> Best
>> Jo
>> On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 4:03 PM Jürgen E. Fischer <j...@norbit.de> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Jachym,
>> >
>> > On Fri, 06. Sep 2019 at 16:21:16 +0200, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
>> > > https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/All_Members
>> >
>> > > https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/All_Members
>> >
>> > 1210 entries on https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Category:OSGeo_Member
>> >
>> > That's also where wiki's Main_Page points to.
>> >
>> >
>> > Jürgen
>> >
>> > --
>> > Jürgen E. Fischer           norBIT GmbH             Tel.
>> +49-4931-918175-31
>> > Dipl.-Inf. (FH)             Rheinstraße 13          Fax.
>> +49-4931-918175-50
>> > Software Engineer           D-26506 Norden
>> https://www.norbit.de
>> > _______________________________________________
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>> --
>> Jo Cook
>> t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
>> Please note that currently I do not work on Friday afternoons. For
>> urgent responses at that time, please visit
>> support.astuntechnology.com or phone our office on 01372 744009
>> --
>> --
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Jorge Sanz
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