Thanks for the quick feedback :)

> Thanks for the feedback. You're very welcome to cross-post it; the
> blog-content is all CC-BY-SA 4.0 by default so share as you wish.
I would prefer to link, idea is for your article to get a wider reach.

> > What do other WMS implementations do?
> Projection list - I can't comment on how the other software deals with
> this from an administration perspective (I've only ever administered
> GeoServer), but from when I've looked at the GetCaps I don't remember
> seeing long lists, and no server apart from GeoServer ended up triggering
> the " > 5000 projections" score item (itself an arbitrary cut-off, didn't
> test for a low bound).
> ...
> I don't imagine there would be big resource savings - it's only around
> 120kB uncompressed.
That is good to know, it still may be worth having a short list by default
(since the number of SRS items is often held against geoserver in
performance shootouts).

How often do you collect these stats? Or is it the first time ... it would
be interesting to know how market share changes over time.
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