El miércoles, 12 de enero de 2022 15:26:05 (CET) Jonathan Moules via Discuss 
>  > we really hope that FOSS4G2023 can be safely 
>  > organized in physical format.
> Why?

Because we humans are social animals; and people like me, who are almost 
completely burnt out by not having been outside of their houses for nearly two 
years, could really use an in-person event to see their friends and their 
personal heroes.

I'm not gonna attack Jonathan's points (or even reply to them, risking an 
episode of sealioning to erode my patience), but I want to make one of my own:

It's good for our collective mental health. We *want* an in person event, we 
*hope* for it; which for me is a sign our brains have some demand for it, even 
if it's intangible.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@sanchezortega.es> https://ivan.sanchezortega.es

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