"Marc Sherman" wrote in message
> Aaron Zinck wrote:
> >
> > 2.  Sean (slim CEO) has addressed the optical digital L/R switching
> > problem. It's a problem with the actual IC they're using for the
> > digital out, it's not the result of problems with slimserver.  It's
> > solution must come from the maker of the chip--so it's not exactly
> > like slim devices is ignoring the issue, it's just out of their
> > powers to fix it.  Also, the problem is nonexistent on the analog
> > outs and even, I believe, absent from the coax digital output so it's
> > not as though there aren't other usable options.
> I've got to say that I don't think that holds water.  The fact that the
> actual cause of the bug is hardware that Slim sources from an external
> supplier, doesn't absolve Slim of responsibility for it.  They sold the
> box, they're responsible for its support, including the parts they're
> essentially reselling.  Think of cars -- Ford themselves manufacture
> relatively few of the parts in their cars; they mainly do assembly.  But
> when there's a flaw in a particular part, such as a seatbelt retractor,
> Ford doesn't send you to the seatbelt manufacturer for support.  This is
> the kind of thing that generally requires a product recall.  Hopefully
> the IC in question is socketed, not soldered...
> Having said that, Bill, the bug only occurs when switching between MP3
> and FLAC output, so clearly your friend isn't really the audiophile he
> claims to be. :)
> - Marc

I didn't mean to imply that it absolved Slim of responsibility.  I just
wanted it to be clear that it's not as though Slim doesn't care about the
inadequacy--they care and would fix it if it were in their power.

The burden of replacement in this case is not quite the same as in a part
like a seatbelt.  No one's going to die because of this flaw.  And it would
probably crush a company as small as slim if they had to replace all that
hardware (and they may not be able to just drop in a fix--it might require
much software and hardware reworking and possibly a different mainboard).

Having dealt with much electronics and computer hardware I think the
squeezebox falls in the normal range of tolerance for problems that I have
come to expect from what is still an immature field.

All this is still not to say that Slim is absolved of responsibility, I just
felt that conclusions about the company were being made perhaps without
looking at the entire, accurate, picture.

If the optical out issue is a major disappointment and a dealbreaker for you
I wouldn't be surprised if Slim would help you out in some way (maybe with a
return) if you contacted them about it.

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