Unfortunately this is probably a user error.  I've had my wireless box since the middle of November and there have been maybe 3 times that it had a blip (a couple of seconds) then restarted from where it left off.  I love this unit as now I have no need for my Sony 300 disc changer (Willing to sell this if anyone is interested).
Here's what I'm using:
Compaq 7110US with 1.3Ghz processor, 1 Gig ram and the music on an extra 160 Gig hard drive
Linksys BEFW11S4 wireless router sharing internet and squeezebox.
 No problems with microwave or cordless phones.
Maybe I'm lucky but the setup seems flawless
Mark Graham
-------Original Message-------
Date: 02/25/05 01:21:40
Subject: [slim] switched to wireless -- now squeezebox reboots at random
I turned off WEP and the SB is still rebooting at random.
I don't know where to turn from here.  I've tried every channel, turned off
WEP, reverted to a B-only network, I have strong signal strength, no
cordless phones, no microwaves, I've turned off dynamic IP addressing -- I
don't know what else to do.
As far as I can tell, Squeezebox is COMPLETELY and TOTALLY WORTHLESS for the
advertised purpose of "wireless music".
I would have expected Slim Devices, or any competent designer of wireless
electronics, to have provided a reasonable workaround -- dropouts,
anything -- but REBOOTING, frequently and randomly, is absolutely,
positively unforgivable.
I strongly suspect that the "6 to 8 weeks" lead time on new wireless
squeezeboxs is due to the fact that Slim D. finally figured out that they
are utter pieces of shit, and are working feverishly to prepare a new batch
for shipment, before they lose too many more customers -- like me.
I will henceforth be plugging my portable MP3 jukebox into my home theater
system, until I can find a better solution.  I will not be purchasing
another squeezebox, nor recommending them to anyone -- in fact I will be
recommending that people stay far, far away.  At least my MP3 jukebox can
keep an accurate count of how many songs are in my MP3 library.
It's been a brief and pointless affair.  I can't even begin to tell you how
disappointed I am.  All I really wanted was an MP3 jukebox with a nice
display, that had remote control functionality.  Slim and the SB just don't
cut it, with their alpha-level open source software and flaky hardware.
Looking forward to the Samsung HT-P50 so my MP3 jukebox can be directly
accessed and controlled through my home theater system.
Flame away all you want. I don't care. I won't be reading the e-mail threads
any more, since I no longer consider myself a Squeezebox or Slim Devices
Oh, and by the way, I have a slightly used "wireless" squeezebox for sale,
if anyone's stupid enough to purchase it.
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