Nic Wardle wrote:
I know its not actually to do with Squeezebox, but do any users
>  have experience of the Pronto NG universal remote by philips
> ? Especially with regard to using their SB with it?
I am looking for a "one-for-all" solution to the miriad of
> remotes I now have.  I remember some comments on the harmony
> remotes - but liked the look of this touch screen device....

I don't have an NG, but I have used an older Pronto for several years. It works fine with the SB. In fact there are a couple of CCF files on Slim's website: <> More CCF files can be found at

As others have pointed out, the touchscreen is not an ideal remote control interface. It's great for flexibile programming, but you don't get any tactile feedback from it. Couple that with the fact that the SB processes remote control buttons on the server side, resulting in a variable delay, and you can encounter some frustration.

- Jeff

Any comments/experiences welcomed!!


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