Just so there is some clarity on the subject, here is where I am
coming from completely.

I am working on an rpm spec file for inclusion of SlimServer in rpm.livna.org

rpm.livna.org is a yum repository for packages that can not be
included in Fedora Core or Fedora Extras because of patent issues.

To get SlimServer into rpm.livna.org there are several things I need
to do - some of it is done.
The ~/Bin stuff has to go, that's done - Fedora already provides a
lame binary and an oggdec binary. I have an rpm spec file that works
(at least for me) for Apple's mDNSResponderPosix. I don't have an rpm
yet for mppdec because it fails to compile for me, probably a trivial
patch - but no sense working on it now because FC4 will ship with a
new version of gcc - so it would be better to patch the mpp stuff to
that gcc.

The other issue is the CPAN/arch stuff.
It looks to me by reading the slimserver perl script that SlimServer
is dependent upon specific versions - not an issue, I can make a
slimserver-perl package src.rpm that builds those specific versions
and installs them into CPAN/arch

I hope to have this ready for inclusion in rpm.livna.org for FC4
release date in June.
It probably would not be in rpm.livna.org until some time after, as
the packages have to go through a QA process. But when it is done, a
Fedora User will simply need to add the rpm.livna.org repositories,
and they can then install slimserver by running

yum install slimserver

The server and any dependencies would just be pulled in, and the user
would ready to point their browser to port 9000 and be done. Updates
that fix bugs, bugs either fixed by slimdevices - or bugs fixed by the
Fedora Community - would automatically be pushed to users when the
rpms are updated on the rpm.livna.org server.

If there was a lossy way of streaming that did not use a patented
technology, it would be possible to get slimserver into Fedora Extras.
I don't know what the patent status is on the mpp stuff - or if it can
run without it (I suspect), that may have to remain in livna (like the
gstreamer plugin for mp3 is in livna even though gstreamer-plugins are
in core)

I also do not know about Apple's mDNSResponderPosix.
That product actually looks like it could be useful for a LOT of
different things in Fedora, it is open source - and Apple does permit
grant to use without a license - so it may not take much at all to get
it into Fedora Extras.

slimserver itself though I don't think will be able to go into extras
unless it would be useful to people who do not use music files created
with an encoder that has patent distribution issues. SlimServer works
fine with ogg now, but only if streamed lossless or if transcoded to

Lossless streaming of ogg files as PCM or FLAC is not attractive to
the Fedora Extras community, and transcoding to mp3 would require

Slimserver could be patched by the OSS to stream ogg, but such a patch
would not work with a Squeezebox unless the Squeezebox could do
something with that ogg stream.

Starting with Fedora Core 4, Fedora Extras will be enabled by default
on a users machine. The goal for Fedora is that by FC5, a user can
install stuff from Extras that they want at the time that they

Having SlimServer in Fedora Extras thus means that all a Fedora user
would have to do is run "yum install slimserver" and they are good to
go. Slick, easy, trouble free installation - with a support backend to
push updates through when available every time the user runs "yum
update" on their system.

Such ease of installation/maintenance means more users of SlimServer,
even if they are not all users of SqueezeBox itself - more users of
the server potentially means more issues being resolved in a timely
manner (it's an open source project) which means a better product for
buyers of the product on ANY platform.

That's where I'm coming from - that's what oggdec on the SqueezeBox
firmware would potentially do.

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