That's very true and especially so at the junction of digital music, wireless networking, and cross-platform support. The level of quality of our software and hardware in the end is not determined just by the amount of testing we do in-house, but is a function of the number of real-world users who give us feedback. That's why this list and the community at large are invaluable to our development process.

I understand the frustration of those who see problems in the field, especially if they have seemingly ideal setups. This is consumer electronics - it should just work. We're continuing to work towards that goal and for the majority of our customers, it does just work. In the meantime, we appreciate any and all feedback (though the type with details about hardware, OS, networking setups, and steps to recreate a problem is the most useful). :-)

Mitch Harding wrote:

I imagine he explains it by saying that each case is unique.  It's
completely possible that even two people with comparable setups would
have different experiences.

On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 08:40:29 -0500, PAUL WILLIAMSON

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/23/05 10:40 PM >>>

The problem with the existing server, just as you point out,
is that the real-time and non-real-time server functions are
bundled into the same tasks and threads, and insufficient
attention has been paid to meeting real-time-critical playback
requirements. Yes, the bigger buffer in the SB2 will definitely
help (I have one on order) but I disagree that it's the only
way or even the best way to solve the problem.

With all this information, how do you explain that I've got a
wired squezeboxG and a 100mb switched environment,
all FLACs, that play all day long with no skips or dropouts,
all powered from a lowly PIII 800Mhz box with 512mb
of ram and 4x250gb drives, all LVM'd together for about
1tb of space?  Your machine is definitely got more "oomph"
than mine, yet I've got no problems.

I had a party a couple weeks ago, and using the latest nightly
of the 5.4.1 branch (don't remember the day - maybe 3/11?)
without a single problem.


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