* Joshua Uziel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050327 11:56]:
> Sadly, I hit another issue... with any file I'd try to play, it would
> display "Problem: can't open file for" and the track name and quickly
> jump to the last song in the list.  There was no message in the log, and
> after some digging, I found that it was looking for sox... an "apt-get
> install sox" later and things are working again.

And replying to myself, I see that in Slim/Player/Source.pm, there is
the code snippet around line 1429 of:

    while ($command && $command =~ /\[([^]]+)\]/g) {

            if (!Slim::Utils::Misc::findbin($1)) {
                    $command = undef;
                    $::d_source && msg("   drat, missing binary $1\n");

I removed sox from my system, enabled d_source and sure enough saw

    2005-03-27 12:01:31.4366    drat, missing binary sox

So this seems like something more fundamental than should be hidden
behind a debug variable.  Should the "$::d_source &&" be removed and the
message made more general like

    msg("Error: missing binary \"$1\", please see convert.conf\n");

as I can see this easily happening frequently.
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