Thanks for all the feedback.


Assuming I do go with the directory & filename structure instead of tags, is there an application that will scan my WAVs & dump artwork into the appropriate folders so that SlimServer & Telcanto will display it?


Any ideas when/if SlimServer might support MusicMatch’s database – I really like the SuperTagging. Incidentally, I think it’s adding some kind of tagging to the WAV files, as SlimServer is picking up some of the info (including artwork) but somehow confusing the tags & artwork between tracks/albums. Guess that’s to be expected with a non-standard tag implementation in WAV. But the MusicMatch library is representing all the info correctly, so if SlimServer could use this library, that would be a useful combination.


Regarding using FLAC instead of WAV – I can actually hear a substantial difference between the two. I’m currently using the original Squeezebox, so I assume I’m relying on my PC to uncompress the FLAC and stream as PCM/WAV? I’m still a touch confused by all the options surrounding this. I’ve got a SqueezeBox2 on order, so I understand I’ll then be able to stream FLAC and have the SqueezeBox un-compress (inflate?) back to PCM/WAV before feeding my hifi. Should I expect this to make a difference to audio quality? Which music library apps support FLAC & will help with tagging – I don’t think either iTunes or MusicMatch do?


Thanks again.

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