> The snippet of "" at the beginning of "In the Flesh?"
> (the first song on the first disc) is a deliberate cyclical thing.  If
> you listen closely, at the very end of "Outside the Wall", the voice
> begins, "Isn't this where-" and gets cut off.  The beginning of "In
> the Flesh?" continues the sentence with "-we came in?" with some more
> of the accordion melody before the actual first song comes in.
> I dunno if it was cut in such a way that it'd be seamless if played on
> endless repeat like that, but it should be close.

Ah, k. I didn't get what they were actually saying at the end of
Outside the Wall - so there really is nothing missing, just an extra
second of silence. Hmm, maybe I'll change it with a wave editor to be
truly cyclic. The idea is kind of neat.

Anyway, thanks for clearing that up!

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