wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The fact that the supported platforms only include one version of one
> distro and they released an SDK that can't really do any of the Tivo
> functions (specifically with scheduling or playback), I find it
> kind of amusing.

True, but in their defense, this is the first release, and I beleive that 
those things will improve.  I think it would be better already if the 
company had ever turned a profit; right now I think they're probably in a 
position of having limited resources (money, manpower) and getting 
profitable has to take priority.  I also don't think they've named a new CEO 

> And Tivo is what I was referring to as closed.  Even the hardware is
> proprietary.  On the other hand, we've got the CEO of Slim posting
> about how to modify his creation to take advantage of some
> bizarre i2c geekport request.

Well, yes and no.  It is Linux, after all.  The Series 2.5 boxes are more 
locked down than the Series 1, but that doesn't stop some people.  I got the 
new box for $200 - $200, and honestly expected I might Ebay it because of 
unhackability without a PROM mod - but the fact is, all the stuff I hacked 
my Series 1 to get is available without hacking on the Series 2.5, and then 
some.  And they've always winked at capacity upgrades, and still do - I'm 
sure they planned on it from the beginning, they just don't want to provide 
warranty support to people who mess things up doing them.  Then there was 
the backdoors, 30-second skip, etc.  I'd say they've been pretty good to 
their customers with regards to "unofficial enhancements".

Beyond that, with them adding extraction as a built-in capability, they're 
walking a fine line between customers and networks (advertisers) and had to 
grovel to the FCC for approval as it was, so the kernel mods "lockdown" is 
at least understandable.  I'll take it since, as I said, I can do everything 
I modded my Series 1 to do without changing anything, and if that changes, 
well, then it's just soldering time. ;-)

> One more amusing thing is that I notice something conspicuously
> absent from the list of prizes - a Tivo.  I know you need one to
> do the contest, but more is usally better.

Heh...hadn't looked at the list, that is kind of amusing.  Don't know why, 
it's not like they've never given the hardware away before.


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