I've been using my SB for over a year now without trouble (other than
the very occasional audio drop-out) until now.

Last weekend whilst listening in the wee small hours, after about an
hours trouble-free listening, the audio started to drop out in a
strange way. A few seconds would play then a few seconds silence then a
few seconds more and on ... I gave up and went to bed thinking it was
some sort of wireless interference. However, it was still the same in
the morning. Sometimes the Slimserver couldn't be found either. After
trying all the obvious stuff (repair wireless connection, power down SB
for a while, force firmware reflash), nothing worked. In desperation I
removed the PCB to see if maybe the wireless card or antenna connection
had come loose inside. I did notice some horrible growth type
contamination on the underside of the PCMCIA socket which I carefully
cleaned off with some IPA and a soft brush.

After re-assembly, the symptoms are slightly different. A song will
start to play fine but after a minute or two, the SB will reboot and
attempt to set itself up again. After it finds the network and
Slimserver, the whole damn cycle starts again. One other symptom is
that when the set-up routine starts, it sometimes skips past parts
which wouldn't be expected (such as entering the WEP key after a couple
of key presses).

I suspect my SB but I haven't completely ruled out my wireless
modem/router, the wireless card in my PC or indeed the PC itself. I
changed the Motherboard just before the symptoms started, making me
consider some form of compatibility problem between the  motherboard
and the wireless card, but the SB worked fine for over an hour (maybe
two) before the symptoms started and I don't appear to have any trouble
with my wireless broadband connection.

Please help. I'm at the end of my tether and have been without music
for over a week. Any ideas?

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