Hi there,

So it's been a couple of months now....  when are the platinum boxes going 
to be available? We keep hearing '4 more weeks'....  but as the weeks go by 
it's getting harder to believe.   Am I the only person left waiting for a 

I guess the good news is that all the black-box owners are finding the bugs 
in SlimServer 6 for us, so when my plati arrives it should run a bit 
better...  =)

Anyway, I reckon it's probably just a sham, that the real problem is a 
shortage of ponies.  =)

Just a thought - but are the cases easy to swap? Perhaps Slim could send us 
a black box now and then a platinum case when they are available for us to 
fit ourselves. I'd be happy to cover the cost of sending the black case 


"Sean Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> As good or better. The problem was yield - only a small percentage of  the 
> last shipment was really good.
> On May 17, 2005, at 10:24 AM, lostboy wrote:
>> Sean, would you say that the finish on the new platinum boxes will be
>> better than the SBG platinum you were shipping late last year?
>> Chris
>> -- 
>> lostboy
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