On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 16:19 -0400, ron thigpen wrote:

> "the SQL that populates this display should be constraining by an ID 
> unique to this album"

> is there no unique album key in the SS DB schema?  that's a real 
> weakness.  i can see why it would be hard to nail down, as most audio 
> files are track-based and not album-based.

I haven't looked at the source recently, that is what the developers
list is about, but it sure had it when I last looked.

> a key based on uniqueness of Artist-Album concatenation might be good 
> enough once the V/A problem is addressed.

This is really a hard problem.
The "standard" way most software on the 'net identifies a CD is 
using the CDDB hash, which is not unique, neither is any rational
combination of artist/album names. While most people
don't have duplicate copies of CDs on their shelves (For some
reason, I have half a dozen where I forgot that I bought it already)
if you look at any large collection, you will see "identical"
CDs that are different. Due to lots of reasons, sometimes
they even have differing UPC codes, shorter or longer songs, etc.

Kinda like how we identify people by their "name" when
we know that "Pat Farrell" is hardly unique.

One of the beauties of moving SS 6.* to using Sql is that
you don't need a solution that is 100% applicable out of the box.
Special cases can be handled special.


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