NHGuy wrote:
#> What was aggravating to me was the response from the CEO stating, and I
paraphrase, that they were working on more interesting things( this is
way up at the beginning of this thread).

Sean Adams said:

"This isn't really our position or our goal (see roadmap: http://
wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?SoftwareRoadmap ) . We are working to
support the formats that are feasible and interesting to support, and
that includes DRM formats. Unfortunately, right now the most
interesting ones are not available to license to anyone. If you're
using one of those formats you should really take up the issue with
them - it's not a matter of whether Slim is willing/able."

How you can interpret this as aggravating is beyond me.

This guy is responsible for
the future of this company and the people who work there. Like it or
not, the services like Rhapsody are the future for the majority of
folks, like myself. These people will NOT buy a squeezebox. They far outnumber the folks who enjoy programming in opensource,
linux, etc. So sooner than later, you'll see a note on
fuckedcompany.com about Slimdevices closing it's doors. It's all about
business and the money.
I've been making an ass of myself to try to get a response from them
stating what their plans actually are. If they have no intention of
supporting a means to use squeezebox for streaming Rhapsody or any
other DRM service, they should have the stones to put that on the

I'll quote Sean again:

"We are working to  support the formats that are feasible and
interesting to support, and  that includes DRM formats."

This does not mean that you will get access to the DRM service of your
choice, either now or in the future. It means that Slim Devices are
working to support any format they can.

People like me, again the vast majority of the consumers, are looking
for an appliance.
I admire your affection for the product and your ability to tailor it
to your individual needs, but,like or not you are in the minority and
you are too few in number to keep the company afloat unless it changes
it's ways.

This isn't a policy decision by Slim Devices not to give you just what
you want. If they could do it they would, but it's out of their hands.

The responses you are getting are not fuelled by any cliquey loyalty to
the product - it's just that the rest of us seem to understand the
situation a little more than you, and you can bitch about it all you
like but it won't change anything.


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