
Thanks for the extra info and tips on how to do this in a cleaner way. 
Also good to know that the Custom.map file simply overloads
corresponding buttons in the Default.map file (so the Custom.map file
can have only a few entries.)  I wonder if this would be good material
for the wiki (in addition to the info already in "Technical

I don't see hold_release mapped anywhere.  What's a example of how this
modifier could be used?

I have a clarification, also, which I just figured out. (FYI for others
doing this.)

In a previous post, you had referred to the use of a map file of
another name, e.g. Custom.map. As you suggested in that post, I had
looked in Home->Settings->Player Settings->Remote, but the only options
appearing there were for enabling or disabling the IR code recognition
for the JVC and/or Slim remotes.

As it turns out, the option to use a different map file only appears in
Player Settings->Remote if another map file currently exists in the
directory with Default.map.  If the only map file is Default.map, the
option to change map files does not show up at all.  (Yeah, ok it makes
sense, but software so often does not make sense that it threw me a
curve ;)


Dave D
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