Dave D Wrote: 
> I also wonder how many folks are using the SB2's headphone output and
> wireless simultaneously, because (unless you got unlucky with two bad
> units) others should see the problem.
I am. I received my SB2 two days ago and I requested an exchange for a
problem of buzzing while the headphone jack was in use. After reading
this, I tried removing the external antenna but it didn't make any
difference. I'm not sure if my problem is related to RF interference or
notÂ… how would I check?

More on my issue: If I twist the plug in the headphone jack the buzzing
comes and goes, and if I turn the speaker volume way down (these are PC
speakers) and get the cord situated just right, I can listen for a
while without any buzzing. The same thing happens with different PC
speakers. With headphones it's not as loud, but there is still a faint

I sure hope my replacement unit is OK. Other than this problemÂ… I love
this thing!

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