It would be nice to know from the Task Manager if SlimServer was running and what the CPU and memory situation was like when you were not getting responses.


On Jul 20, 2005, at 10:12 AM, MeSue wrote:
I've barely had my SB2 a week. The last two nights it has locked up
during the night while my PC was idle, but not at the same time each
night. I know the time because the clock gets stuck there. Last night
it was 2:21 AM and the previous time it was 9:12 AM.

When I returned to my PC, everything was running fine, but I had left
the SlimServer web interface open in my browser, and it would not
respond to clicks. The taskbar icon said "SlimServer Running" but when
I stopped SlimServer and tried to start it again, it just stayed stuck
on "SlimServer Starting" and never completed. I had to restart my PC to
get it working again.

I have checked the Windows event logs and can't find anything happening
at those times that I can attribute to this, and I have no idea what
could be causing this. The only vague idea I have is that the last two
nights I had an Adobe Updater running in the background that was set to
download updates while my computer was idle. It finished today so I
shouldn't have that again tonight.

I am running the 7/14 nightly of 6.1b2. Does anyone have suggestions
for troubleshooting this?

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