I have a mix of files -- most of my ripped CDs are ripped to lossless
WMA -- I'd have used FLAC except that I use WMP as my computer player
and it doesn't support flac natively.

Most of these ex-CD tunes have an adequate gap, and it's not a problem.
I'm very sure that the problem isn't processor power (recent dual
core).  The problem occurs mostly on tracks not ripped from CDs, which
are mostly not lossless, MP3s, WMAs.  

Basically, I'd just like to force more time between tracks, as much or
more as on a typical vinyl album (aside from exceptions like Dark Side
of the Moon, and others -- I've been ripping vinyl today, and have
found quite a variation within some albums in the time between the end
of music on one track and start on the next, as much as a factor of 3
on the same album).  


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