from 'Moose setup' (
> Moo file - This is used by the library window. Rather than rely on
> Slimserver's database, Moose maintains its own small super-fast
> database of music file information. The database is stored in the
> specified '.moo' file.
This -sounds- like SQLite, but it might be something bespoke - and I'm
wondering if this approach might benefit the server itself (in the
sense of a super fast pre-built index-index).

I've also been wondering about the best way to at least give the
-appearance- of being fast. For instance, (many) years ago I wrote
editors, which had to run on slow hardware. How not to drive your users
crazy? One partial answer: cache the pages that they can get to with one
key-press (top, bottom, pgup, pgdn) so at least they're not waiting for
the most common thing.
Yes, this uses up memory, but you let the user choose the amount of
memory and then cache the most-probable pages that will fit. Building
cached pages happens when idling, and then it's just a matter of adding
the very simple "page cached? use that - else do make it now".
A lot of this stuff seems to be forgotten now that we're running
machines that make Z80 and 8088 based systems look less than pitiful...

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