bluespiano28;344887 Wrote: 
> I currently have all my cds burnt onto laptop in flac format. I would
> like to be able to play these in my car so the obvious choice is an
> ipod and then connect this to a car stereo.
> Is it worth keeping everything in flac to play in my car or would I
> really not notice any difference if they're in mp3?
> I love flac and really notice a difference on my stereo in the house -
> just wondered if anyone else has experience of playing flac in cars and
> if you can  still hear the difference.
> Thanks

I know some of the new car head units like Alpine are incorporating
FLAC playback support.  But I think the general consensus would be that
a high quality MP3 would be hard to differentiate from lossless audio in
a car environment with all the inherent ambient noise.

But from a simplicity and organizational standpoint (not having to keep
two formats synced & updated) it may well be worth it to stick with your
single FLAC rips for car use.   :)

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