
Having somewhat reluctantly to update from 6.3.1 (the last working
server software for me) in order to use the latest addition to my SB
collection (this time a Duet), I expected Perl problems with getting SC
7.2 to work, and this seems to be the case and I'm stuck. Any help would
be welcome.

Having updated Perl, running slimserver gave a list of missing modules,
DBD::mysql DBI XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1
YAML::Syck GD, and instructions for how to download them.

Fair enough so I did that, and the Mysql install then barfed as it was
looking for a wrong version of DBI (1.50 instead of 1.604). Fixed the
expected version in build-perl-modules.pl and everything went fine
except for GD.  GD is required, yet 'build-perl-modules.pl GD' does
nothing and I'm not sure what to change to install GD. I tried adding

'GD'                    => 'GD-2.41.tar.gz'

to the array of packages, which seemed like a fair guess as it's the
current version, but the package didn't get downloaded. 

Any ideas on this? 

Also, I'm wondering how are other people are getting a working version
of SC 7.2 when there are the basic bugs above in the install? Reading
some other posts I'm also wondering whether Perl 5.10 is going to be a
problem as well. Hopefully not as 5.8.7 was segfaulting so switching to
the latest release Perl seemed reasonable.

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