toby10;347698 Wrote: 
> And herein lies the true danger of DRM.  Someone else (Apple in this
> case) controls what, where, when, how, and on what device they *permit*
> you to utilize *their* music!  
> Even though you legally purchased that music, as long as someone else
> holds the keys then it really belongs to them not you.
> It's no different than you buying a car and giving the key and control
> of that car to someone else.  You want to drive your car somewhere that
> the key holder doesn't approve of, then you don't go.   :)
> Though I suppose it's the same as marriage.    :)

Copyright law, not corporate evil-doers, prescribes what rights a
copyright holder have, and what restrictions exist and can be added on
a transfer of a  copy of a copyright protected article. When you buy a
song or a CD, you are buying a copy, the rights to which are
substantially less than the rights of the actual copyright owner. This
has been the case for years. If you don't like what copyright law does,
write your congressman or other legislative representative 

DRM practices and actions by Apple and others represent failed efforts
to enforce existing legal rights. I don't like how ham-fisted the
actions have been, but I understand that piracy is a big problem. Do
you agree that piracy is a problem for copyright holders? Develop a
better solution and you will deserve the fame and fortune you will

Your car example is not a logical equivalent. The equivalent would be
obtaining legally protected know-how, patents, copyrights, etc, in a
manner not authorized by the owner, and thereby making an exact clone
of that car, and then selling it or giving it to someone. Or, using any
of that protected IP and making another product (a derivative work) and
selling it without compensating the owner of the IP you used.

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