peterw;351642 Wrote: 
> It'll be interesting to see if projects like Moose and iPeng will make
> common devices like the iPod Touch and iPhone/Windows Mobile/Android
> handsets viable challengers to the Controller. I think there's a real
> risk that the SqueezePlay license will stifle Controller improvements
> and make those other devices more attractive to carry, costing them
> some sales. I personally carry a wifi-equipped PDA around most of the
> time, but still reach for the Controller because it's so much easier to
> use. If there were a really nice interface for my PDA, I might never use
> my Controller.
I partly agree, I think the iPeng/iSqueeze native applications
definitely will be a challenger to the Controller. The Apple license is
at least as restricted as the Logitech version, so the reason is IMHO
not the licensing but the hardware it self. The iPod/iPhone hardware is
better than the Controller hardware in so many ways and the iPod Touch
is actually cheaper for the end user than the Controller.

The Apple licensing is IMHO even worse than the Logitech license, it
requires you to purchase a Apple computer with Leopard OS to even be
able to compile the code and it requires you to pay additionally $99 to
be able to even install the compiled code on your own iPod/iPhone

The iPeng skin version which is easier to modify for a third party
developer is a bit too slow to challenge the Controller. The latest
version is a lot closer than the 0.4.x versions but the Controller
still feels a bit faster.


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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