I can only talk for myself, but for me the reasons are the following:

- Lua: 
A new language to learn that you won't have use for anywhere else.

- Controller (not player): 
Any Controller applet could only be accessed through the Controller
while a SqueezeCenter plugin could be accessed through all types of
remote controls(IR, Controller and iPod/iPhone). So if I can do
something as a SqueezeCenter plugin it's preferable to me, especially
since I mostly control the Squeezebox with the Harmony IR remote or the

- Lack of communication:
A general point which I think is similar to what kdf suggests, is that
the communication between Logitech and the development community is a
lot less today than it was before. Previously you could start a
discussion in the development section on the forum and almost always
get feedback from the lead developers, today it's possible to post
simple questions but it is almost impossible to discuss something
regarding the future. Often most of the replies are from end users or
from developers that have developed in other projects but not for
SqueezeCenter. It should be said that the situation is a bit better
regarding questions/discussions on some parts of the code (user
interface related stuff). Personally I'm really missing the vision
regarding the future, but I suppose it's a good idea for Logitech to
keep that for themselves from a business point of view since it might
include future products which they don't want anyone to know about

The result of all this is that as a third party developer you kind of
loose interest when no one seems to be interested in your thoughts, why
contribute if there is no interest ?
My personal feeling is that communication is the key element to keep
the me personally interested in the future, I'm not sure if other third
party developers feels the same. 

I'm not sure if the reason for all this is the Logitech purchase or if
it's caused by the fact that some(one?) of the lead developers decided
to continue on another road instead of continue as a Logitech employee.
If it's caused by the latter things might improve in the future when new
employees fully take over the role of the lost employee(s).

I'm pretty sure the reasons for less activity isn't caused by the
Controller source code licensing as someone suggested in another
thread/post, but others might feel different than me regarding this.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=53879

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