socistep;351849 Wrote: 
> Hi All,
> As I save up for some better equipment I am currently playing my Duet
> through my Sony Hi-Fi which I have had for 6/7 years, via analog cable.
> I'm at work at present but will edit the post later with the actual
> model.
> The sound is pretty good however there is a big difference in volume on
> both Squeezenetwork and my music files (I have checked that no replay
> gain on etc.) I have to have the Hi-Fi turned to max to get a good base
> volume level to then control via the controller, this gets turned from
> 30 to 15 for a similar volume on cd.
> Does anyone else experience this for similar set-ups? Also if people
> have 'better' equipment, how does the volume level for say FLACs via a
> SB versus a CD.
> Thanks
> Ian

In SqueezeCenter settings, I believe it's under Player and the Audio
there is a volume setting.  Make sure this is set at 0.  It actually
works as an attenuator so any number you put in there will decrease the
player output.

I'm not at home so I can't check where it is for sure.  Can anyone
verify this for him?


Howard Passman
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