pippin;350379 Wrote: 
> neither of Both. You HAVE TO go through the app store for distribution.
> So it will come...


I feel the need to respectfully correct you.  Technically you don't
"HAVE TO" go through the AppStore.  Apple's heavy handed tactics for
controlling the platform has many developers upset.  Waiting endlessly
to have apps approved (and often not being approved for ambiguous
reasons), together with their ultra-restrictive terms in the SDK
agreement, has many developers pretty fed up.  

The AppStore was supposed to kill the iPhone Jailbroken apps, but seems
to still be feeding the need for it.

The AppStore is obviously the best way to profit from iPhone
development. It has wide spread distribution access to potentially
every single iPhone user.  But many developers are still making money
by selling Jailbroken apps via Cydia, when Apple feels the need to
restrict their trade.  Jailbreaking is safe, easy, and opens the
iPhone's full potential.

I can only hope that if for some reason, known only by Apple, Luke's or
your apps get rejected, that you will consider going the Cydia route.

Good luck to both of you, and we all look forward to the fruits of your

P.S. A Sonos controller app just showed up in the AppStore today.

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