jackaninny;354379 Wrote: 
> i'm not sure which developers you are referring to but many developers
> are finding quite a bit of profit going through the app store and very
> satisfied with the ease of distribution and payment collection. the
> developers that are unhappy with the approval process with legitimate
> reasons are a small minority. also i believe apple is loosening the
> "ultra-restrictive terms" ( see the removal of the NDA) as the process
> and app store mature.
> sorry if i sound like apple apologist but i think people should
> recognize that apple is working with a entirely new model of software
> distribution on a totally new platform. have they made mistakes? yes.
> have they made changes for the better? yes. is the app store as it
> stands one of the best distribution platforms out there? yes and
> probably by a fair margin.
> bottom line - jailbreaking is fine but for the author it means 1)a
> fraction if any compensation for their efforts 2)a much smaller
> audience for their software.

I agree with you.  As I stated, the AppStore is, without a doubt, the
best distribution channel for profitting from iPhone development.  I
was simply commenting that iPhone developers don't "HAVE TO" go through
the AppStore. 

Apple does seem to be loosening their iron fisted grip, a little.  But
they still have the most restrictive SDK and NDA rules ever seen for a
mainstream computing platform.  They also take an inordinate amount of
time to approve apps for the AppStore, and have seemingly arbitrarily
rejected some legitimately fine apps.  

It makes one wonder if this is the same Apple that released that famous
1984 ad.  If you don't remember it, you can check it out here:


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