dlsdo;352539 Wrote: 
> I have my music collection stored on a 250gb hard drive.  It is almost
> full.  I have at least 5 more similar sized hard drives available.  I
> would like to start filling up the other HD's but am not sure how to
> get my Squeezebox to recognize more than one HD @ a time.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,

I don't want to sound all flippant, but why not just buy a 500gb HDD
and use that as your source?  True, if you have a bunch of spare 250s
around, it may be crazy to go and buy yet another drive.  But you could
always use 2 of your 250s as a back-up for the new 500.  Like most of us
here, I guess, I live in fear of losing all my hard-ripped flacs (and I
did have a total failure of my main music HDD drive a few months back),
so I have several copies of the entire collection:  the main
Squeezecenter external HDD, a complete back up of that on another HDD
(using running software to keep it current), and a complete off-site
back up on yet another HDD, updated every month or so.....

I suggest this because my own 250 external music HDD is nearly full -
but a quality 500 HDD is only going to run me 150 US just now, and my
various 250s will make perfectly good back-up locations (splitting the
new 500 to back up, say, all classical to one 250, and all modern to


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