norderney;352652 Wrote: 
> The stream is AAC+.  Have you configured SqueezeCenter to play AAC+
> streams.  See following Wiki.
> It is because they are using AAC+ that the sound quality is so good
> with just 64k.

Thanks nordeney. Had a look at that link. That page isn't exactly
designed for use by earthlings, is it?

A question, if you can help.

I'm using Mac OSX 10.5.5. It says at Step 1, for Macintosh, "download
the GUI version". I've no idea what that is. At the linked site,
mplayerhq, the Mac version offered appears to be 1.0rc2, which I
suspect is the one I already have for AlienBBC, and, says the wiki,
won't play AAC plus. What now?

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