MeSue;351230 Wrote: 
> I believe there are some settings for this under Settings > Music
> Library in WebUI.
> I use Erland's Custom Browse plugin and I set up a menu to browse
> artists by letter. Another option is to go to the Genre first if you
> know which Genre your desired artist is in. In some situations, I will
> use the knob, Controller, or my Harmony remote to navigate long lists
> depending on which Boom I am using.
> Seriously? You didn't notice that big button on top? See Quick Start
> Guide p. 7.

Thanks for this MeSue. Yep, in easily the Dumbest Post of The Year
Award, I hadn't noticed the snooze button as I took my Boom out of the
box and put it straight onto a shelf where the top is covered so I
didn't see it!

I don't see a Settings > Music Library in my SC WebUI so haven't been
able to show & sort AlbumArtist instead of Artist - does this option

I'm looking into Erlands Custom Browse, sounds promising.

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