datdude Wrote: 
> Im not sure if I understand your question.  
> My goal is to use J. River MediaCenter to wirelessly stream music
> seamlessly to a great sounding piece of hardware that can output to my
> amp.  One way I thought would be to simply browse in MC and then drop
> whatever songs I wanted into the slimserver playingnow area.  Another
> way would be to use something like the airfoil to 'hijack' MC's output
> and send it to the Squeezebox.

Maybe you do not understand the concept of the Squeezebox.  It is a
media player in its own right.  It is not an add-on product.  I suggest
you install Slimserver, and play with Softsqueeze to get a feel for the

Slimserver is a VERY nice piece of software and will run on Windows,
Mac, and Linux.

I would bet most users here, do not control their Squeezebox from their
computers.  which is why you would get a Squeezebox so you do NOT have
to control it from your computer.  So for most of use we do not care
what is happening on the server, just that we get our music on the

Also for such a small display the squeezebox does a GREAT job of making
it easy to navigate and find music on even very LARGE catalogs, As long
as your music is well tagged that is.

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