datdude Wrote: 
> Oh I understand. I think you don't realise my situation then.  Yes the
> squeezebox is a hardware mediaplayer but it is tied to its
> limited(browser) software mediaplayer.  I'll let me previous posts
> stand as why the squeezebox 'could' be usefull in a completely
> different way!  Apple sees this but there needs to be a better solution
> on windows.

How is it that the Squeezebox is limited to a browser?  Many folks
drive it with the IR remote control (no computer at all needed). 
Another option that has been pointed out is that you can use a
PDA/phone as an interface for driving it.  I would say that the fact
that a dedicated PC not being required for control is in fact a major
selling point of devices like Squeezebox.

It sounds like what you are after is something that will simply
transport the audio stream from your laptop music application of choice
to your stereo.  If that's what you are after then the SB is probably
not for you (as it seems you are married to the interface software you
use for your music collection).

The only real options would be some patch cords or a wireless X11 type
device.  The fidelity for any of these options (including apple
airtunes) is probably quite mediocre, this is an area in which SB2
excels (deliverying very high quality audio reproduction from the host
server FLAC or MP3 audio files).

You hint that a simple hardware solution for handling an audio stream
from a windows PC would be "huge".  If you are really convinced of that
then you should work on bringing such a product to market as it seems
that the demand for such things is small.

Another option you have is simply to build a small dedicated PC with a
very good soundcard and a network interface.  Connect it to the stereo
system and then drive the PC desktop/interface of your choice remotely
using something like the excellent freeware VNC.

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