toby10;354548 Wrote: 
> That's odd.  I use SC7 Favorites for stations all the time, no problems.
> I have dozens of stations in these SC7 Favorites folders, folders are
> seperated by GENRE.
> I prefer SC7 over SN for just this purpose:  much more control and much
> more configurable via SC7 vs SN.

It did work for me the same as the myradio.opml file did, in that I
could create folders and save stations, but when I navigated away from
the page it would not retain what I had created.  Upgrading to Vista
obviously messed up something.

I can see your use of genre folders would be a plus particularly with
numerous station entries.  The first good use I’ve heard of to somewhat
justify having the seemingly redundant feature in both SC and SN.

Just be advised the option no longer exists in 7.2.1.  I’ve seen
another thread inquiring as to why it was dropped and if there are any
intentions to bring it back but I haven’t seen any official responses.

Apologies to everyone for perhaps straying too far OT.

Back to the JAZZ!


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