Skunk wrote:
peter;356187 Wrote:
Ah, a binary. I just installed it I'm not very impressed. Imitation of

hardware devices doesn't seem to be the way to a good desktop experience.

I hope this isn't in defense of Softsqueeze being a good desktop
experience, considering it's even more of an 'imitation of hardware
devices'. What would have impressed you?

I don't like SoftSqueeze either as a user experience. I'd like to have an application with a computer user interface. Fast and sleek end making good use of the PC's mouse and keyboard. A PC/OS/X/Linux desktop application and not a web interface or Controller imitation. Something I'd like to use when I'm sitting behind my PC.

peter;356187 Wrote:
A PC is not a controller

Sure it is, or did you mean Controller?

In Dutch we call this comma-fucking ;).

Anyway, I mainly just came back to re-post this photo Ben put in the
Beta forum- of Tom using his PC (or Mac or whatever) as a controller.
This feature has been asked for many times, IIRC, and would have never
been possible, or just looked pretty silly, using SoftSqueeze:

That's nice, but it's not a PC application. It's a status screen. It certainly has it's uses as I already wrote in another thread. My point is and remains that controlling your SD-system from a PC has always been clunky. And SqueezePlay isn't going to improve that very much. I bet I'll keep using my browser instead. And perhaps put up a laptop with a fullscreen SqueezePlay stuck at the Now Playing page when we have a party.


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