I posted on these issues before, but I'll repeat it here:

- signal strength is not as important as the signal-to-noise-ratio!!!
- n-routers are better, even if you only have g-clients. they have mimo
technology for further range which helps g-clients too and a faster cpu
which is the biggest bottleneck in bitrate issues combined with
- disable any b-client support (so g-only or g-n-only). Support for b
will seriously limit performance. Experiment with short vs long
pre-amble settings too, these settings are all related and differ
between routers.
- more signal strength is best done with a better antenna instead of
more power
- reducing noise is even better than increasing signal strength. The
best way to reduce noise is by using directional antenna's. The
cheapest one is printing a pattern (search google) on your printer,
cutting it out and covering it with aluminium-foil and sticking it on
the antenna's. Directional hi-gain antenna's are even better and cost

Example: using a 180 degree antenna on the router gives you a quick 3
dB increase on signal strength (that's doubling it!) plus a 3 dB
reduction on noise in the routers receiver (it only receives noise from
180 deg instead of 360 !!). Next logical step would be directional
antenna at the SB but I think only the SB2 can do that without
modification. But you can decrease the angle further, like to 90 or 60
degrees with more gain and more noise-reduction.

I stand by my choice for good wifi router: Dlink DGL-4500.


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