On 3-Aug-05, at 7:41 PM, datdude wrote:

hmm not a bad idea.  I own an unlimited of MMM.  Would I simply use the
squeezebox as the default player and then hit play.  Anthing that is in
the primary screen would play?  Still not what I am looking for but
cool none the less.

Musicmagic is mainly for organisation, but also allows you to play back using several player types, slimserver being one. I think you have to start musicmagic with --slim in the command line and then slimserver will appear as a player in the musicmagic custom options, as well as when you right click on the play button. It should even detect multiple players and list them so that you can pick one. Anything you mix into the bottom window should then be sent as a playlist to slimserver.

in theory, jRiver could do the same thing if someone wanted to write the plugin. The docs for the CLI are very good and are included in the help section of slimserver, under technical information. Pass that around the jriver forum and you will double the odds that someone will be interested and able to spend the time.


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