I have tried the DTS and dolby digital test, my HT processor gets it
ergo my chain is lossles, no bits are missing.

It's a little fuzzy to encode an 5.1 stream as wav and then to FLAC ,
but it can be done. I took it one step further and burned such a track
on a CD and ripped it to ensure that no unknowns had creeped in
anywhere in my signal chain

The result here is if you use rg or volume= white noise.

So it's an all or nothing test and it really play back as an 5.1 sound

Originally Posted by dcote :
is there not a minute possibility that other codecs (internal and
external) may be suffering similar symptoms?

Thats why i'm not using any replay gain or volume control , or any
processing plugin or pre processing on the files them self, I want to
serv bit perfect rip's of whats on the CD to my HT processor (who has
an abundance of processing , thats another topic )

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